
Showing posts from March, 2020

Date palm

Date palm (Download  Agrojay Mobile Application: - ) Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date or date palm, is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit. Although its exact place of origin is uncertain because of long cultivation, it probably originated from the Fertile Crescent region straddling between Egypt and Mesopotamia. The species is widely cultivated across Northern Africa, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and South Asia, and is naturalized in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide P. dactylifera is the type species of genus Phoenix, which contains 12–19 species of wild date palms, and is the major source of commercial production. Date trees typically reach about 21–23 metres (69–75 ft) in height, growing singly or forming a clump with several stems from a single root system. Date fruits (dates) are oval-cylindrical, 3 to 7 cent

Agrojay Fruit and Vegetable Processing an Agricultural Industry

Agrojay Fruit and Vegetable Processing an Agricultural Industry (Download  Agrojay Mobile Application: - ) India is an agrarian nation, 70 percent of the populace is subject to farming. Truth be told, at present, 53% of the population is legitimately and by implication subject to agriculture. Expanding industrialization, urbanization, data innovation transformation, the advancement of administration area will prompt relocation of agrarian segment yet numerous irregularities in the atmosphere, absence of an appropriate market for agriculture and absence of manageability are prompting the background of agriculture. In any case, is agriculture actually the way to advance right now? Is agriculture advantageous in the event that you take a worth at farming by business? That is the reason agriculture presently must be a gainful and reliable accomplice and this can be the best choice for the agro-handling industry. Agrojay Towards Farmers Pr

ठिबक सिंचनाचा योग्य वापर महत्त्वाचा...

ठिबक सिंचनाचा योग्य वापर महत्त्वाचा ( Proper use of drip irrigation is important ) Agrojay Innovations Pvt. Ltd. (Download  Agrojay Mobile Application: - ) Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity ठिबक सिंचन तंत्रामुळे जमिनीत कायम वाफसा ठेवता येतो. ठिबक सिंचनामधून पाणी तसेच पाण्यात विरघळणारी रासायनिक खते ही पिकांच्या अवस्थेनुसार दिली जातात. जमिनीनुसार ठिबक सिंचन संच निवडताना दोन झाडांमधील अंतर, ड्रीपर्समधील अंतर, ड्रीपर्सचा प्रवाह याची निवड केल्यास हा ठिबक सिंचन संच शंभरहून अधिक पिकासाठी वापरणे शक्य आहे. पीक उत्पादनामध्ये पाणी आणि रासायनिक खतांचा कार्यक्षम वापर आवश्यक आहे. पारंपरिक शेतीमध्ये पाणी आणि रासायनिक खत वापर कार्यक्षमता ३० ते ४० टक्के मिळत असल्याने त्यांचा अधिक वापर करूनही अपेक्षित उत्पादन मिळत नाही. उत्पादन खर्चामध्ये मात्र वाढ होते, शिवाय जमिनी क्षारयुक्त होतात. पिकांच्या कार्यक्षम मुळांच्या क्षेत्रात पाणी आणि रासायनिक खतांचा वापर करावा. जमिनीत कायम वाफसा ठेवावा. परंतु, पारंपरिक सिंचन पद्धतीमध्ये हे शक्य होत नाही यावर उपाय म्हणजे ठिबक

Lettuce grown in indoor vertical farming system

Lettuce grown in indoor vertical farming system Agrojay Innovations Pvt. Ltd. (Download  Agrojay   Mobile Application: - ) Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers. It often incorporates controlled-environment agriculture, which aims to optimize plant growth, and soilless farming techniques such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics. Some common choices of structures to house vertical farming systems include buildings, shipping containers, tunnels, and abandoned mine shafts. The modern concept of vertical farming was proposed in 1999 by Dickson Despommier, professor of Public and Environmental Health at Columbia University. Despommier and his students came up with a design of a skyscraper farm that could feed 50,000 people. Although the design has not yet been built, it successfully popularized the idea of vertical farming. Current applications of vertical far

Rise of a Digital Agriculture Platform-Agrojay Innovations Pvt Ltd.

Rise of a Digital Agriculture Platform-Agrojay Innovations Pvt Ltd. (Download  Agrojay   Mobile Application: - ) Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity Digital agriculture  alludes to tools that carefully gather, store, examine and share electronic information as well as data along the farming value chain. Now and then known as “smart farming” or “ e-agriculture , digital farming incorporates exactness agribusiness. In contrast to exactness agriculture, advanced agribusiness impacts the whole agri-food value chain — previously, during, and after on-farm creation. Therefore, on-farm advancements, similar to yield mapping, GPS direction frameworks, and variable-rate application, fall under the space of exactness agriculture and digital agriculture. Then again, digital innovations engaged with e-commerce business stages, e-extension administrations, stockroom receipt frameworks, blockchain-empowered food traceability frameworks, tractor rental applica