Rise of a Digital Agriculture Platform-Agrojay Innovations Pvt Ltd.

Rise of a Digital Agriculture Platform-Agrojay Innovations Pvt Ltd.

(Download Agrojay Mobile Application: - http://bit.ly/Agrojay)

Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity

Digital agriculture alludes to tools that carefully gather, store, examine and share electronic information as well as data along the farming value chain.
Now and then known as “smart farming” or “e-agriculture, digital farming incorporates exactness agribusiness. In contrast to exactness agriculture, advanced agribusiness impacts the whole agri-food value chain — previously, during, and after on-farm creation. Therefore, on-farm advancements, similar to yield mapping, GPS direction frameworks, and variable-rate application, fall under the space of exactness agriculture and digital agriculture. Then again, digital innovations engaged with e-commerce business stages, e-extension administrations, stockroom receipt frameworks, blockchain-empowered food traceability frameworks, tractor rental applications, etc. fall under the umbrella of digital agriculture however not accurate agriculture.
Digital agriculture encompasses a wide range of technologies, most of which have multiple applications along the agricultural value chain. These technologies include, but are not limited to:
· Cloud computing/big data analysis tools
· Artificial intelligence (AI)
· Machine learning
· Distributed ledger technologies, including blockchain and smart contracts
· Digital communications technologies, like mobile phones
· Digital platforms, such as e-commerce platforms, agro-advisory apps, or e-extension websites
· Precision agriculture technologies, including
o Sensors, including food sensors and soil sensors
o Guidance and tracking systems (often enabled by GPS, GNSS, RFID, IoT)
o Variable-rate input technologies
o Automatic section control
o Advanced imaging technologies, including satellite and drone imagery, to look at temperature gradients, fertility gradients, moisture gradients, and anomalies in a field
o Automated machinery and agricultural robots

Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity

On-farm efficiency
On-farm, accuracy agriculture innovations can limit inputs required for a given yield. For example, variables rate application (VRA) innovations can apply exact measures of water, fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, etc. Various exact examinations find that VRA improves input use proficiency. Utilizing VRA nearby geo-spatial mapping, ranchers can apply contributions to hyper-confined areas of their homestead — here and there down to the individual plant level. Diminishing info use brings down expenses and decreases negative ecological effects. Besides, observational proof shows accuracy agriculture innovations can build yields.
Digital agriculture improves work profitability through improved farmer knowledge. E-extension takes into account cultivating information and abilities to diffuse requiring little to no effort. E-extension administrations can likewise improve farm profitability by means of choice to help benefits on portable applications or other advanced stages. Utilizing numerous wellsprings of data — climate information, GIS spatial mapping, soil sensor information, satellite/drone pictures, etc — e-extension stages can give ongoing proposals to farmers.
At long last, advanced farming improves work profitability through reduced work requirements. Robotization innate inaccuracy agribusiness — from “milking robots on dairy farms to greenhouses with automated climate control — can make yield and domesticated animals the executives increasingly proficient by lessening required labor.

Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity

Off-farm/market efficiency
Reducing information asymmetry
Value data influence serious markets’ productivity since it impacts price scattering, exchange, and farmers and customer welfare. Since the negligible expense of carefully conveying data approaches zero, digital agriculture can possibly spread value data. Likewise, cost data gave by Internet booths (“e-choupals”) in India prompted an expansion in farmers’ net benefits as profits lost monopsony power.
Matching buyers and sellers
Online business brings down the inquiry expenses of coordinating purchasers and sellers, possibly shortening the worth chain. Instead of experience many delegates, farmers can sell straightforwardly to consumers. Market get to administrations can likewise take care of the coordinating issue without fundamentally facilitating online transactions. These coordinating stages assist smallholders with organizing with purchasers and enter both local and worldwide worth chains. At last, it’s critical to take note of digital technologies that can likewise encourage coordination in financial and input markets, not only producer to-consumer output sales.
Lowering transaction costs in commercial markets:
Digital payments — whether integrated into e-commerce platforms or in mobile money accounts, e-wallets, etc. — reduce transaction costs inside rural markets. The requirement for sheltered, fast money related exchanges is especially evident in rustic territories. In addition, Digital payments can give passage to financial balances, protection, and credit. Utilizing conveyed record advances or brilliant agreements is another approach to lessen trust-related exchange costs in business markets. Numerous retail and food organizations have collaborated with IBM to create blockchain pilots related to food safety and traceability.

(Download Agrojay Mobile Application: - http://bit.ly/Agrojay)

Agrojay Towards Farmers Prosperity

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