
Showing posts from April, 2020


AFFECT OF FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL WILTS ON VARIOUS HORTICULTURAL CROPS (Download  Agrojay  Mobile Application: - ) Wilt diseases of tomatoes can be brought about by contagious, bacterial, viral, and nematode pathogens, just as by abiotic factors. Figuring out which specialist is mindful can be essential for recommending the best possible administration systems. The kept planting of tomato plants in a similar field is a typical practice numerous individuals practice, however, this can prompt some genuine outcomes in the yield from such items. The nearness of the pathogens Fusarium oxysporum F. lycopersici (Fusarium shrink) and Ralsotnia solanacearum (Bacterial wither) can cause serious issues in the creation of tomato, yet in addition potato, eggplants, and pepper crops. So as to appropriately see how to manage these issues, one must see how every pathogen works, how it replicates, how it creates, and how to recognize the dis

शबरी जांभूळ लागवड

शबरी जांभूळ लागवड Agrojay Innovations Pvt. Ltd. (Download  Agrojay  Mobile Application: - ) जांभळाचे झाड मोठे, सदापर्णी वृक्ष आहे. फांद्या लोंबणाऱ्या असून त्यावर साधी, लांब टोकदार, समोरासमोर पाने असतात. खोडाचा रंग पांढुरका असतो. फांदीच्या टोकावर किंवा पानांच्या बेचक्यात पुष्पसंभारात पांढऱ्या रंगाची अनेक फुले असतात. फळधारणेनंतर बोंडावरील टोपी गळून पडते. फळे गर्द जांभळी, लांबट गोल, मांसल असतात. त्यात एक बी असते. जांभूळ या फळझाडाला विविध भागात विविध नावाने ओळखतात. त्यातील काही  भाषेतील नवे खालीलप्रमाणे आहेत. कुटुंब - Myrtaceae लॅटीन - Syzygium Cumini, or Eugenia Jambolana इंग्लिश - Indian Black Berry मराठी - जांभूळ संस्कृत - जंबू, राजजंबू, फलेंद्र हिंदी - जामून, राजजामून, बडी जामून गुजराती - जंबु, रायजंबो जांभळाच्या लाकडाला महत्त्व असल्यामुळे या झाडाची तोड नियमित होत आहे. त्यामुळे या झाडाच्या अस्तित्वाला धोका निर्माण झाला आहे. लाकूड मध्यम, कठीण, टिकाऊ, लालसर रंगाचे असते. याचा वापर घर बांधणी, गाड्या

Technology in Agriculture: Feeding the Future

Technology in Agriculture: Feeding the Future Agrojay Innovations Pvt. Ltd. (Download  Agrojay  Mobile Application: - ) When we say that the world’s population is growing geometrically and food production is growing arithmetically, we are referring to the fact that the population would quickly exceed the ability to feed itself. Population explosion is not only depleting the natural resources because of overconsumption and degradation, but it might also lead to gigantic inevitable famine. Keeping this in mind, scientists across the world are working on agricultural innovation and developing technologies to deal with world hunger and nutrition deficiency. Here are some of the recent developments in the respective field. Vertical Farming : Vertical farms, typically known as “Indoor Farms” are inhabited buildings in urban areas, where food is grown using advanced technology. This is different from house gardening as crops